3 Tips To Make Sure Your Social Security Back Pay Is Processed On Time

Social security disability is a nice way of getting supplemental income if you become injured and are unable to work. If you file for social security disability, you will most likely not receive your first payment until a few months have passed. As a result, once your application is approved the government will pay you for those months in between the time you filed until the time you received your first payment. [Read More]

It's Over: 4 Ways to Maintain Healthy Communication during a Divorce

You've made the decision to end your marriage. Unfortunately, your spouse doesn't want to admit that the marriage is over. It can be difficult to move forward when your spouse wants to hang on to the possibility of a reconciliation. You may want to sever all ties, but if you and your spouse have children together, that is not going to be possible. Here are four steps that will help you communicate with your spouse while maintaining your boundaries. [Read More]

Four Common Types Of Divorces

If you're researching divorce possibilities, it's important to be informed of all your possibilities. Once you're sure you're going to pursue a divorce, use this list of common types of divorces to help educate yourself so you can decide between the available options.  1. Collaborative This is one of the most amicable types of divorce. If you and your spouse largely get along and are able to make well-thought-out decisions together, this may be the ideal option. [Read More]

Workers Compensation Denied: What A Lawyer Can Do For You

Did you request workers compensation benefits from your employer until you recover from a work-related injury and get denied? Don't get stressed about getting into a financial bind while you recover, because a lawyer can help you get the money that you need. Find out below how a lawyer can help you get paid in a timely manner and the amount of money that he or she might charge for assisting with the case. [Read More]