3 Tips To Make Sure Your Social Security Back Pay Is Processed On Time
Social security disability is a nice way of getting supplemental income if you become injured and are unable to work. If you file for social security disability, you will most likely not receive your first payment until a few months have passed. As a result, once your application is approved the government will pay you for those months in between the time you filed until the time you received your first payment. This is considered back pay. Any form of back pay usually comes well after you receive your first monthly payment. This can sometimes take months. Therefore, here are a few tips you can use to ensure that your back pay is processed on time.
Check to Make Sure All of Your Documents Were Submitted
If you receive other benefits like worker compensation, the social security office needs documentation of these benefits. In order to get this, they will contact that office directly. However, it is easy for the benefits office to push your case to the back of the pile, forget, or just take their time. The social security office will be unable to award you any form of back pay until they know the benefits that you are already receiving. Therefore, check regularly with your other benefits' offices to ensure that they have submitted your paperwork for you.
Contact the Social Security Disability Office Regularly
The social security disability office processes a number of claims every month. Therefore, it is common for your back pay to remain unprocessed for an extended period of time. However, in order to make sure that this is just due to an overflow of claims and not any error on your part, you should contact the office regularly. The office will be able to give you an update on the status of your back pay.
Contact Your Congressman's Office
If you contact your congressman's office about the status of your back pay, they will look into your case for you. The office will either contact the social security disability office by phone or by mail. A phone call or written note from your congressman's office will not automatically propel your case to the front of the line. However, it does force the disability office to give your congressman's office an updated report on the status of your application. This can help in cases that have been filed to the back to get some type movement.
Waiting on your back pay to arrive is often a long ordeal. Therefore, use these tips to ensure that your back pay is processed on time.