Nightclub owners cannot be responsible for everything that happens on their establishments' premises. In some situations, the patrons of the bar are solely responsible for any egregious acts. A violent patron could find himself fully liable in civil court for drunken actions. No real surprise here since irresponsible people usually pay the price for poor behavior. They might not be the only ones paying, though—a bar's owner may not escape liability in all instances.
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Know How Deductions Will Impact Your Workers' Compensation Settlement
Many work-related injuries affect your ability to work at your job for a relatively short period of time. Workers' compensation insurance pays for you to stay home and for your medical needs relating to the medical condition. When things are more serious and you cannot return to your job, your injury might fall into a category that enables you to obtain a lump sum settlement from the insurance carrier. The way this disbursement is handled and what it includes will affect the way certain deductions affect your bottom line, so read on to learn more.
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Potentially Dangerous Activities: Is It Worth It To Require Waivers?
Homeowners associations and townhouse community associations often have to deal with bored kids coming in and trying to turn local playgrounds and sidewalks into impromptu skate parks, or people trying fancy bike tricks in the middle of the street. This creates liability issues for the HOAs (not to mention damage) if one of the people doing this hurts themselves. HOAs and residents may consider having waivers for all residents -- if they get hurt, they won't sue the HOA and so on -- but the effects of the waivers are not as clear-cut as many think.
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5 Reasons To Hire A Disability Attorney
Not being able to work or provide for yourself due to a life-changing disease or disability can be heartbreaking. In addition to this upset and stress, it can be overwhelming trying to go through the process of getting disability benefits in order to live your life. Instead of trying to go through the paperwork process alone, it's in your best interest to hire an expert. Disability attorneys help individuals just like you so they can get through the process faster and with more success.
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