If your finances are in shambles, you may have considered filing for bankruptcy. You may have a few reservations about the idea even though you are in debt. Filing for bankruptcy is a serious decision, and you should carefully consider your final decision. However, a number of people are reluctant to file for bankruptcy because they are misinformed. The following are three major misconceptions that are associated with this procedure.
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Naming Your Pet in a Will
If your nearest and dearest family members are fur babies, you want them to be taken care of even after you are gone. Although you can get family members or friends to promise to care for your pets, circumstances can change. The safest way to protect your pets after you die is to name them in your will.
Although you may think of your dog or cat as the child you never had, the law doesn't see things the same way.
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Three Ways To Get Rid Of A Judgment Quickly
In a civil case, a court can issue a judgment against one or both parties. The most common judgment involves the losing party paying money to the prevailing party. Usually, there is a set time for repayment. No matter the reason for a judgment against a person, there is one thing for sure: most people don't want to deal with something like this. There are several ways an individual can go about getting rid of a judgment.
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Two Ways Walking While Distracted Can Hurt Your Slip And Fall Case
Cell phones have come a long way since their production in the seventies. Today, they could be classified as handheld computers rather than simple phones. Although they provide a lot of convenience, these devices can also cause a lot of trouble. If you slipped and fell while using your cell phone, here are two ways this fact can be used to hurt your chances of collecting compensation for your injuries.
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