
Three Common Mistakes People Make When Filing A Long-Term Disability Claim And How To Avoid Them

Disability insurance covers a portion of your income in the event that you become disabled. Typically, claims are paid by your short-term disability policy first. Then, once you've surpassed the time frame of a short-term disability as stated in your policy, you file a claim through your long-term disability insurance policy. Filing a long-term disability claim is a detailed, ongoing process. Fortunately, you can make the process less stressful by reviewing some of the common reasons claims are denied so that you're prepared.

6 Steps To Take Following An Injury At Work

A normal day at work can change drastically if you're injured on the clock. Employers carry workers compensation insurance to cover the cost of medical care and lost wages if an employee is hurt at work, but if you want to qualify for those benefits there are several things that you need to do. When you're injured at work, take the following steps: Immediately Inform Your Manager or Supervisor If you get hurt at work, it is essential to inform your manager or supervisor right away.

So You Finished Law School, Passed The Bar, And You Still Have To Go To School? Understanding California's MCLE

If you were one of the students who sat through the lectures on the minimum continuing legal education (MCLE) requirements without paying too much attention, you may be starting to wonder how many you need and by when. Here is a bit of information that may help you stay in compliance for the next few years. After the first time, you go through the requirement cycle things should be much easier.

Novelty--A Unique Yet Important Idea For Patent Seekers

When most people hear the term novelty, they're often drawn to images of small knick knacks or holiday ornaments. However, for inventors and patent seekers, the term holds a much more relevant and important meaning. In terms of patent law, novelty refers to an idea that is new and not widely known.  This makes sense--after all, an idea that is well-known wouldn't make someone immediately rush to the patent office to file their application.

Second Marriages And Estate Planning: Concerns To Address

If your spouse has been married previously, it can have an impact on their estate when they pass away. This can affect you, the second spouse, in a myriad of ways if you haven't taken steps to plan out the estate beforehand. The following are some things that you need to consider when you are in a second marriage. #1: Who has rights to the retirements funds? For private pensions and retirement accounts, the person named as beneficiary has the rights to the account.

How To Increase Your Chances Of Securing An Adoption

If you are considering adopting a child, then you might have read a bit about the process. However, you might also be a bit worried, since not every adoption request is granted. Thankfully, there are some factors that can increase your likelihood of successfully adopting. Some are under your control, while others are not. To help you out, here are some ways that you can increase the likelihood of a successful adoption bid:

Three Topics To Talk About When You're Hiring An Elder Law Attorney

As you begin to age, the last thing you want is to have an oversight that either costs you money or presents a challenge for the loved ones who are taking care of you. As such, it's advantageous to think about hiring an attorney who specializes in elderly law. Many such experts are likely practicing law in your city, which means that you can look up a few law firms and meet with some attorneys to determine if they're the right fit for you.

There Goes The Neighborhood -- When A Neighbor's Dilapidated Home Begins Depressing Your Property's Value

Real estate agents will often tell you that you're better off to purchase the worst house in an up-and-coming neighborhood rather than the best house in a neighborhood on the decline. If you've followed this advice with your last home purchase, you may be surprised and dismayed to discover that a neighbor is allowing his or her home to fall into disrepair -- or even actively accelerating this process by storing old cars or appliances in the yard.

When You Share The Rights To A Property: Understand Waste As A Cause Of Action

"Waste" is a cause of action that you can take against someone for the improper use of a property that they're legally entitled to inhabit. If you own property that somebody else is living on, it's important to understand this concept. Here's what you should know: When is waste an issue? The issue of waste frequently comes up between family members due to complicated divisions of property in inheritance. One family member may exert physical control over a piece of property even though several family members share rights to the place.

2 Reasons To Hire A Lawyer To Help With A Slip And Fall Case

Slip and fall cases are some of the most common personal injury cases and usually occur as a result of negligence on the part of a home or business owner. Listed below are just two great reasons to hire a personal injury lawyer when you have been involved in a slip and fall incident. Investigate The Area Where The Accident Occurred One of the most important ways in which a personal injury attorney can assist you with this type of case is by investigating the location where the accident actually happened.