Tips For Taking The Kids On Vacation During A Divorce
Divorce is stressful for everyone involved, especially the children. Going on vacation in the midst of a divorce can be good for you and your kids, if it's done properly. Follow these tips to ensure that your vacation doesn't interfere with your divorce, and your divorce doesn't interfere with your vacation.
Clear Everything With Your Family Law Attorney
It's often perfectly acceptable to go on a vacation during a divorce. However, there are times and cases wherein going on a vacation with the kids is inadvisable. Going on vacation at the wrong time could endanger your case. Before going on vacation, clear everything with your lawyer. This includes location, dates, who is going with you and what your contact information will be.
It may be inadvisable during this time to go to a location where contact from the outside world may be difficult. If the location you have chosen for your vacation is remote and communication will be limited, raise this with your attorney before making firm plans.
Consult with Your Children Before Making Arrangements
Keep in mind that your kids will be going through a lot during this time. To ensure that your family vacation is restful and fun instead of dramatic and upsetting, talk to your kids about where they'd like to go and for how long. It's possible that your children will want to stay near your town so the other parent will not be too far away. It's also possible your children will want to go very far away in order to leave behind their problems. They may want to leave only for a short while, or for a longer period of time. Be sensitive to your children's feelings about the matter, and consult with them while you're making your plans.
Make Special Arrangements if Passports are Necessary
Children under 16 years old must have consent from both parents in order to get a passport and leave the country. If custody arrangements have not yet been settled in your divorce, you will also need to get permission from the judge to take the children out of the country. If you're planning to go anywhere that involves getting or using a passport, keep these details in mind and start this process early if you plan to go through with it.
For more tips, speak with your family law attorney. He or she will be able to help you as you plan your upcoming family vacation.